Missing Maps Project

I am a big fan of the Missing Maps Project. They help map the whole world for humanitarian reasons, e.g. in order to make it easier for helpers to find specific locations in emergency situations. There are still many areas without detailed maps. Missing Maps provides the tools to help out in creating those maps. It is even possible to contribute through the smart phone with Mapswipe. The whole effort is a collaboration of local and remote people, with numerous events to increase involvement. With OpenStreetMap and specifically the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap team, the Red Cross as well as Doctors without Borders, there`s a strong backing of the project. I personally love using Mapswipe while commuting. I just recently reached a big milestone with 500 square kilometers of mapped area, mostly in Angola and Chad.

Map of the places I've visited

The following map shows the places I`ve been to (red) or traveled through (yellow). It`s extremely easy to make with DataMaps.

Map of the US states I've visited

The following map shows the states I`ve been to (red) or traveled through (yellow). It`s extremely easy to make with DataMaps.